Jaypee Vidya Mandir - Tomri, Distt. Bulandshahr


JAYPEE VIDYA MANDIR, TOMRI is located in the village Tomri, PO Beehira, Distt Bulandshahar (Western UP). It comes under the jurisdiction of Police Station Aurangabad, which is at a distance of 6 kms from the school. The school is at a distance of 21 Km from the district Headquarter (Bulandshahar), 22 Kms from Syana Tehsil and 91 Kms from New Delhi. JVM, Tomri is situated in a serene environment surrounded by the lush green sugar cane fields, away from the din and dust of the city life.

Eternal Source of Our Inspiration

Jai Prakash Gaur (Founder Chairman) JSS


On the path of progress, education is the medium that can allow our country to not only conserve its culture but also ignites the minds of our young  countrymen and empowering them to be at par with the citizens of other developed countries. Science & Technology in the 21st Century will unleash a revaluation of progress that is beyond our imagination today and which will transcend the limits of planet Earth to enable human beings to begin their tryst with the infinite universe.

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